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We are looking for a full-time software engineer that has solid JavaScript skills and is familiar with complex JavaScript codebases. The ideal candidate has working experience with modular Javascript, can write pure JS code without relying on third-party libraries and is up to date with the latest JS advancements, e.g. ES6, Background Workers, etc.
• Minimum 2 years of working experience with complex JavaScript codebases.
• Experience working with complex API integrations (restful interfaces, streaming interfaces, etc).
• Minimum 2 years of experience with JavaScript libraries (flow, ES6 syntax, spread, hoisting, event delegation, promises, streams, closures, exports/imports, bind)
• Exposure to building & process tools like Grunt, Gulp, Node, NPM, etc.
• Less / Sass or other CSS pre-processors.
• Responsive methodologies.
Personal Skills
• Strong desire to grow and learn new technics
• Ability to effectively articulate technical challenges and solutions.
• Ability to collaborate with high-performing teams and individuals.
• Demonstrate skills and passion for operational excellence.